I know out in the country it is not uncommon to have animals up on your roof. Chickens, roosters, even the occasional dog gets up there. I however don’t believe it is that common for an animal to be on your roof in the city.
Now let’s be honest when Ashley and I don’t have to work on Saturdays we like to sleep in a little late. Like we’re shooting for 8:30 or later to get out of bed. Well today that didn’t work out so well as we were awoken by a strange sound from outside.
As anyone who has met my wife knows Ashley has a big heart and a special place in said heart for animals. Especially hurt animals. Earlier this week she heard a duck and looked out to see that there was a mallard with a hurt foot hobbling around with his mate. A little background on this pair, we’ve seen them in the cul de sac before and like having them around. So when Ashley saw that the mallard was hurt she wanted to help him. After calling animal control they told her she would have to catch the duck before they could help.
Well she certainly tried. She spent half an hour trying to trap our fowl friend for fixing. She chased him all the way to the senior living center where there is a pond that we’re pretty sure they and their flying friends reside. This was Monday or Tuesday.
So back to Saturday. We’re laying in bed and we start to hear our feathered friends. I’m thinking that they are down by the creek and just being loud. We keep listening and both of us were amazed at how close these ducks sounded. We finally decided to get up and see what was causing theses ducks to be so fussy. Ashley looked out the bedroom window down toward the creek and I looked out our little decorative window that leads to the office. I then told Ashley to bring me my phone NOW! This is why…
He was up on our roof! No wonder we had been woken up. We don’t need roosters in the city when we’ve got our water fowl. Ashley and I were both amazed and quite surprised. I have to believe he was taunting her saying “Come on, try and catch me now. I’m up on your roof and there is NOTHING you can do about it! Who’s all quacked up now,huh?”